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Microwave and millimeter-wave (mmWave) Imaging Systems have witnessed huge progress during the last two decades, thanks to the advances in the semiconductor miniaturization in analog as well as digital circuits. Notwithstanding the ever-increasing demands for mmWave imaging solutions serving in the industrial, security, and medical domains, many efforts have been successfully accomplished to mature mmWave imaging technologies in order to qualify for the real world problems. Many more methods are still yet struggling to see the light away from the lab bench and the computer simulators. This talk aims to present and overview on latest mmWave multistatic imaging technologies and to help raise the awareness on the latest trends and challenges.
Dr. Ahmed is an entrepreneur, academic, and R&D expert. He has 15 years of professional industry experience, with 20+ patent filings. Along the past years, he published 25+ research papers and a book on advanced microwave multistatic imaging. He was the recipient of the University Academic Award of the Technische Universität München (TUM) in 2007, the Innovation Award of Rohde & Schwarz (R&S) in 2009 and 2018, and last but not least, he received the IEEE MTT Microwave Prize Award in 2013.
Dr. Ahmed's R&D experience and interest extend to: near-field microwave imaging, stand-off imaging, along with nondestructive testing, multistatic radar, advanced signal-processing techniques, terahertz technology, and last but not least, automotive radar design and characterization. In the past years, he pioneered the body scanner technology with the first fully-electronic multistatic imaging systems, which are being deployed worldwide today. In the recent years, he has been also working on redefining the qualifications of automotive radars, towards autonomous driving capabilities.