Researchers at Stanford Engineering have developed an ultrathin material that conducts electricity better than copper and could enable more energy-efficient nanoelectronics.
In collaboration with chipmaker TSMC, the Stanford School of Engineering will renovate and expand its renowned Stanford Nanofabrication Facility, making it one of the foremost chipmaking research facilities in academia.
In a single leap from tabletop to the microscale, engineers at Stanford have produced the world’s first practical titanium-sapphire laser on a chip, democratizing a once-exclusive technology.
An expert on robotics says that the recent revolution in large language models is metaphorically – and in some cases literally – opening new doors in her field.
Combining advances in display technologies, holographic imaging, and artificial intelligence, engineers at Stanford say they have produced a leap forward for augmented reality.
Stanford engineers created a low-cost, mobile robot that has quickly learned to do complex household tasks including cook, put away dishes, and clean up spills. Other chores aren’t far behind.
Stanford researchers have developed soft integrated circuits that are powerful enough to drive a micro-LED screen and small enough to read thousands of sensors in a single square centimeter.
Uniting the complex mathematics of trajectory optimization with the powers of generative AI, aerospace engineers at Stanford hope to put self-driving spacecraft within reach.