
Stanford SystemX Alliance

The Stanford SystemX Alliance aims to produce world-class research and Ph.D. graduates with a view to enabling truly ubiquitous sensing, computing and communication with embedded intelligence. Previously known as the Center for Integrated Systems (CIS), SystemX emphasizes application-driven, system-oriented research. Its areas of interest include hardware and software at all levels of the system stack from materials and devices to systems and applications in electronics, networks, energy, mobility, bio-interfaces, sensors, and other real-world domains. SystemX's programs draw on the unique strengths of the university and industry to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of both. Currently affiliated SystemX faculty are found in departments across Stanford’s School of Engineering and in some areas of natural Sciences and Medicine. Our research agenda is continually evolving in accordance with the interests of Stanford faculty and our industry affiliates.

SystemX programs include:

There are additional benefits and opportunities for members to connect with Stanford faculty and students. Please view the SystemX Benefits and Participation Levels for a complete list of all program benefits. Additionally, please take a moment to review the Stanford policies for affiliate programs

The SystemX Team consists of Ivo Bolsens (Executive Director), Karin Sligar (Program Manager), Kiyah Agtarap (Program Assistant), and Profs. Tom Lee & Eric Pop (Faculty Co-Directors).