BONUS LECTURE: Industry 4.0: Making sense of signals

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Industry 4.0: Making sense of signals
Tuesday, May 18, 2021 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Zoom (Webinar)
Bobby Mitra - Texas Instruments
Abstract / Description: 

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Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing will be a critical driver of digital transformation. This inter-disciplinary domain can bring significant quality, productivity and cost benefits across sectors. Today’s manufacturing environment is replete with hundreds of signals with petabytes of data. To get the highest ROI from Industry 4.0, the critical success-factor is to make sense of these signals. This seminar will focus on benefits and challenges of system-level ultra-low power sensing, ingesting high-frequency signals, as well as high SNR inferencing with AI/ML.


Dr. Bobby Mitra is a Fellow of the IEEE and INAE, and leads Worldwide Smart Manufacturing at Texas Instruments (TI). He is also the Chair of SEMI Smart Manufacturing Americas Chapter. Prior to his current role, he led global industrial systems sector teams across multiple TI regions. This included industrial automation, building automation, grid infrastructure, medical, appliances, test & measurement, etc. He also served as President & Managing Director of all Texas Instruments’ operations in India, leading R&D, Sales & Marketing, Research and spearheading several Industry-Academia partnerships. Dr. Mitra was profiled in the recent book ‘Icons of Indian IT’, recognized as one of the top three innovators of India, served as the Chair of the India Electronics & Semiconductor Association as well as President of the VLSI Society of India.
Dr. Mitra received his B.Tech degree in Electronics & Electrical Communications Engineering, and Ph.D in Computer Science, both from IIT Kharagpur, where he was the recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award.  He also received his Executive MBA from University of Texas, Austin, where he received the Dean’s Award for Excellence.