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Integrating quantum and classical technologies with systems like trapped ions is critical to enable the Moore’s law like scaling of qubits necessary to develop practical quantum computers. Recently, we demonstrated operation of an ion-trap chip where integrated photonics delivered all of the required wavelengths, from violet to infrared, necessary for control and read-out of Sr+ qubits[1]. Laser light was coupled onto the chip via an optical-fiber array, creating an inherently stable optical path that we use to demonstrate qubit coherence resilient to platform vibrations. We also explore using multiple zones of interaction to perform parallel qubit operations on multiple ions using parallel integrated beam paths.
[1] Niffenegger, R. J., et al. “Integrated multi-wavelength control of an ion qubit.” Nature 586.7830 (2020): 538-542.
Robert Niffenegger is an Assistant Professor of ECE at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He received his PhD in Physics from Purdue University where he performed quantum simulations with Bose-Einstein Condensates, studying spin current dynamics within synthetic spin-orbit-coupling. In 2015 he joined Intel as a front-end integration and yield engineer on the 7nm process node developing process technology. His work there led to a patent on a new gate metal process. In 2018 he joined MIT Lincoln Laboratory’s Quantum Information and Integrated Nanosystems group working on trapped ions and integrated photonics. There he developed new photonic packaging techniques and demonstrated full photonic control of a trapped ion qubit.