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5G is enabling a new class of low-latency use-cases like mobile gaming and eXtended Reality (XR). 5G enabled Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) devices will leverage the mobile ecosystem, high 5G data rates, and reduced latencies to provide ubiquitous immersive experiences. In this talk, we describe how the key 5G features and split rendering architectures are evolving to meeting the XR requirements. We will show video clips demonstrating performance using Qualcomm Technologies’ industry leading Snapdragon XR platforms, on-device optimizations and cross-layer APIs. We will conclude with a discussion of how Qualcomm Technologies is strengthening the XR ecosystem with Snapdragon Spaces developer program and the Snapdragon Metaverse Fund.
Hemanth Sampath is the Sr. director of engineering and head of 5G R&D for emerging applications at Qualcomm Technologies, such as XR/metaverse, cloud gaming, and private networks. Before this role, he was the Wi-Fi R&D systems engineering lead for a decade, shaping 802.11 standards and core technologies like MU-MIMO and Mesh. From 2004 to 2008, he held engineering leadership roles on the 4G (UMB) modem and standards. He received the 2013 Qualcomm IP Excellence Award and holds more than 290 patents. Before Qualcomm Technologies, he worked at Iospan Wireless and Marvell Semiconductors. Hemanth received a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 2001.