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Electronic-Photonic Systems-on-Chip (EPSoCs) are an emerging platform, which enables breakthrough designs for future compute, communication and sensing systems. In this talk, we will describe the proof-of-concept designs for some of the applications including interconnects for high-performance compute/AI scale-out, cryogenic readout and massive-MIMO wireless infrastructure. We will also show ongoing work in using the same EPSoC platform in biosensing and quantum computing.
Vladimir Stojanovic is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at University of California, Berkeley. His research interests include design, modeling and optimization of integrated systems, from CMOS-based VLSI blocks and interfaces to system-on-chip design with emerging devices like NEM relays and silicon-photonics.
Vladimir received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 2005, and the Dipl. Ing. degree from the University of Belgrade, Serbia in 1998. He was also with Rambus, Inc., Los Altos, CA, from 2001 through 2004 and with MIT as Associate Professor from 2005-2013. He received the 2006 IBM Faculty Partnership Award, and the 2009 NSF CAREER Award as well as the 2008 ICCAD William J. McCalla, 2008 IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, 2010 ISSCC Jack Raper best paper and 2021 ISSCC Best Forum Presenter awards. He was an IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Distinguished Lecturer for the 2012-2013 term. Vladimir is a co-founder of Ayar Labs, NanoSemi and Numericcal.