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In this talk, I will describe our Founders' schooling from the University (Ivory-Tower) to Industry (Hard-Knocks). Along the way, our small company -- PhotonIC Technologies -- has become an up-and-coming IC-startup selling millions of analog/mixed-signal chips used worldwide in the CLOUD, 5G & PON, 3D-LIDAR, and optical sensors.
I will also discuss future next-generation technologies: AI-interconnects (ISSCC-2024), SPAD-based high-SNR optical sensors (SENSORS-2023), and AI-based 3D-reconstruction that fuses multi-modal 2D-images & 3D-point-clouds (ARXIV-2024).
Patrick Chiang received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering and computer sciences from the University of California, Berkeley, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University. He was previously a tenured professor at Oregon State University, and currently an adjunct Professor at Fudan University. He is also CTO and co-founder of PhotonIC Technologies, an optoelectronic analog/mixed-signal fabless chip company, with offices based in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Silicon Valley.
He was the recipient of a Department of Energy Early CAREER award and NSF-CAREER award for energy-efficient electrical & optical interconnects. He has published over 200 conference/journal papers, including 16 ISSCC/JSSC papers, and more than 50 patents.