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In this presentation, we will show how Integrated Circuit Design is a critical component to breakthrough products in the electronics industry. For many years, the industry depended on the exponential scaling predicted by Moore’s Law to drive performance.The slowing down of process technology scaling has resulted in the need for innovation in IC and system design in order to deliver the performance requirements of future products. In particular, the last decade has seen an explosion of mobile electronic products, and we will discuss the innovations that have enabled these products to achieve performance levels that would not have been possible 20 years ago.
Ajith Amerasekera received his PhD in 1986 and joined Philips Research Labs, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, where he worked on the first submicron CMOS process technology. In 1991, he joined Texas Instruments, Dallas, where he made technical contributions ranging from transistor design to development of novel circuits and systems. Ajith was CTO for the High Performance Analog Division at Texas Instruments, and a TI Fellow, responsible for strategic technology and business development. In 2008, he was the founding director of TI’s Kilby Research Labs where he was responsible for creating the research processes to address long-term exploration and innovation for new markets and technologies. He was also a member of TI’s Technical Advisory Board. He joined UC Berkeley in 2016 as the Executive Director of the Berkeley Wireless Research Center. In 2021, Ajith joined Apple where he works on strategic research directions. He is an IEEE Fellow, and was an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer for the Solid State Circuits Society. He has over 150 papers and presentations as well as 4 books on integrated circuits. He has been on the technical program committees of numerous international symposia, and organized and ran major IEEE conferences and panels.