SystemX Alliance News

Mon, 05/24/2021
Congratulations to Professor Boris Murmann for receiving the 2021 Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA)-SRC University Researcher Award
Thu, 05/20/2021
A robotic gripper, developed by Stanford engineers, was tested aboard the ISS. Equipped with grippy but not sticky gecko-inspired adhesives, the gripper could be particularly well-suited for tasks such as collecting debris and servicing satellites.
Fri, 05/14/2021
Medical devices employing AI stand to benefit everyone in society, but if left unchecked, the technologies could unintentionally perpetuate sex, gender and race biases.
Wed, 05/12/2021
Artificial intelligence, interpreting data from a device placed at the brain’s surface, enables people who are paralyzed or have severely impaired limb movement to communicate by text.
Tue, 05/04/2021
Technology is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in video editing. Society must consider the creative possibilities as well as the misinformation risks.
Mon, 05/03/2021
Two “out there” ideas from Stanford faculty receive NASA funding in hopes that they could drastically advance space exploration.
Mon, 04/12/2021
It’s an example of how surprising properties can spontaneously emerge in complex materials – a phenomenon scientists hope to harness for novel technologies.
Wed, 03/31/2021
Ullman shares the prize with long-time collaborator Alfred Aho of Columbia University. They are recognized for their influential work on compilers and algorithms, including their co-authorship of widely popular textbooks on these topics.
Wed, 03/24/2021
The transition to 5G will affect every device connected to the internet, including drones. A team of scholars is working to protect the technology from vulnerabilities.
Fri, 03/12/2021
A linguist and computer scientist explores how AI is expanding from capturing individual words and sentences to modeling the social nature of language.


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