SystemX Alliance News

Tue, 12/08/2020
Professor Amin Arbabian, Aidan Fitzpatrick (PhD candidate), and Ajay Singhvi (PhD candidate) have developed an airborne method for imaging underwater objects...
Tue, 12/08/2020
Professor Nick McKeown will receive the 2021 IEEE Alexander Graham Bell medal, for exceptional contributions to communications and networking sciences and engineering.
Tue, 12/08/2020
Stanford engineers investigated how people’s moods might affect their trust of autonomous products, such as smart speakers. They uncovered a complicated relationship.
Fri, 11/20/2020
New approaches favoring unspoken strategies between collaborating machines could drive the next wave of advances in robotics.
Sun, 11/15/2020
Kenneth Goodson will share the 2020 University Research Award, given by the nation’s premier semiconductor industry organizations, in recognition of his work in developing technologies to help high-performance chips keep their cool.
Tue, 11/10/2020
A study of how 98 million Americans move around each day suggests that most infections occur at “superspreader” sites that put people in contact for long periods...
Mon, 11/02/2020
Congratulations to Professor Chelsea Finn. She has been awarded an inaugural Samsung AI Researcher of the Year award. Presented at Samsung AI Forum 2020, the five recipients are AI researchers from around the world.
Thu, 10/22/2020
Repurposed solar panel research could be the foundation for a new ultrahigh-resolution microdisplay. The OLED display would feature brighter images with purer colors and more than 10,000 pixels per inch.
Fri, 10/09/2020
Researchers are developing a solar-based fertilizer production that could one day replace a decades-old process that consumes energy and causes greenhouse gas emission.
Tue, 10/06/2020
Heilshorn’s experience of navigating the unfamiliar and intimidating inspires her to encourage underserved students and create a more inclusive work environment in her lab.


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