Emboldened by new data and insights about how people learn, the dream of computers teaching people is entering a new era that reaches far beyond reading, writing and arithmetic.
Engineers in Stanford’s Dynamic Design Lab are teaching a driverless DeLorean to steer with the agility and precision of a human driver with a goal of improving how autonomous cars handle in hazardous conditions.
A periodic review of the artificial intelligence industry revealed the potential pitfalls of outsourcing our problems for technology to solve rather than addressing the causes, and of allowing outdated predictive modeling to go unchecked.
Robots, self-driving cars and other intelligent machines could become better-behaved thanks to a new way to help machine learning designers build AI applications with safeguards against specific, undesirable outcomes such as racial and gender bias.
In an effort to prevent heart conditions, such as Atrial fibrillation (AFbi], researchers at the Stanford School of Medicine partnered with Apple to detect irregular heart beats, using wearable technology.