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Innovation and Entrepreneurship Opportunities in the IC world
Phenomenal growth in the use of mobile wireless, and ubiquitous sensor products has fueled a resurgence of excitement in the semiconductor industry. In spite of increasing investment costs and predictions of doom and gloom, these are exciting times in the semiconductor innovation pipeline for those that are willing to adapt and make adjustments.
This seminar will offer a discussion of the important technical and business challenges, and the myriad of opportunities. The focus will be on Innovation and Entrepreneurship opportunities. Leveraging the industry’s use of collaborative research and development, and the Fabless Integrated Circuits model provides many opportunities for new ideas. Because the success rate of start-up companies remains relatively low, innovators need to pay attention to a broad spectrum of factors besides their technical idea. This seminar will provide guidelines for innovators to launch companies with increased probabilities of success. Using the Fabless IC startup learnings as a base, this course will offer hope for entrepreneurs, researchers, and designers in fulfilling their dreams.
The author's book, "Fabless Semiconductor Implementation", McGraw Hill, will serve as a reference text.
Dr. Rakesh Kumar is a 42 year semiconductor industry veteran, an entrepreneur, and is now an educator. As President and CEO of TCX Technology Connexions he provides management, business and technical ‘bridging the gaps’ consulting services in advanced semiconductor technology and virtual operations areas. Clients have included over 20 emerging fabless IC companies, mid-size, a few Fortune 500 IC companies, and two leading research organizations. Currently he provides successful startup education to engineering students, and serves as a Business and Technology Advisor at the University of California San Diego’s Entrepreneurism Center. Dr. Kumar authored the book “Fabless Semiconductor Implementation”, published by McGraw Hill in addition to numerous publications. He is an IEEE Life Fellow and an active volunteer. He is a Past President (2012-13) of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society. During his semiconductor industry career Dr. Kumar has also been the VP&GM of Cadence Design’s worldwide Silicon Technology Services business unit, and has held various technical and management positions at Unisys and Motorola. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Rochester in 1971 and 1974, the B.Tech from IIT Delhi in 1969, and an executive MBA from UCSD in 1989.