Fri, 09/17/2021
2019 was the Department of Electrical Engineering's 125th anniversary
To mark this unique occasion, we invited distinguished faculty and alumni speakers to share their perspectives on the past, present, and future Stanford Electrical Engineering Department.
Their video presentations are available on the department's YouTube channel, or by clicking any of the title links below.
- Professor John L. Hennessy presented "The End of Moore's Law, General Purpose Processors (As We have Known Them), and the Future of Computing"
- Dr. Kristina Johnson, "Everything I Ever Wanted to Know About Tech But Was Afraid to Ask (and Glad I Did)"
- Professor Jim Plummer, "Future Opportunities and Challenges for Electrical Engineering"
- Dr. Acha Leke, "Africa: The Overlooked Continent"
- Dr. Rahul Panicker, "From Hostage Negotiators to Eigenvectors of Babies"
- Professor Tom Lee, "From 'Arc Alley' to Silicon Valley: Untold Stories of Stanford's Role in Creating the Future"
- Professor James F. Gibbons, "Silicon Valley and Stanford EE"
- Professor Gordon Wetzstein, "Computational Single-Photon Imaging"
- Professor Andrea Goldsmith, "EE is Dead, Long Live EE: A Vision for EE's Next 125 Years"
- Professor Juan Manuel Rivas Dávila, "Power Electronics: A Blast from the Past"
- Professor Jelena Vučković, "Photonics: Practical & Optimized"
We invite you to share your memory, anecdote, or reflection in 125 words or less - ee.stanford.edu/EE125-share.
Read what others have shared about their EE journey - ee.stanford.edu/EE125.
Timeline of Stanford EE History (shown below in desktop and mobile view) – ee.stanford.edu/about/history
EE125 Anniversary Event Videos - by Electrical Engineering Department - February 2020
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