FMA Session - Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 - Participant List

Quickfire Presentations @ 9:15 AM

Poster Session: @ 10:15 AM

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Student Name Poster Title Advisor
Asir Intisar Khan & Xiangjin Wu BEOL-Computing Topological Material Interconnects Prof. Eric Pop
Jung-Soo Ko Toward 2D-FETs with sub-1 nm EOT Profs. Eric Pop & Krishna Saraswat
Robert Bennett Towards the Improved Electrostatic Control of Two-dimensional Field-effect Transistors Prof. Eric Pop
Anh Tuan Hoang
Presenting on behalf of Zhepeng Zhang and Lauren Hoang
Wafer-scale TMDs growth using MOCVD Prof. Andrew Mannix & Eric Pop
Joy Hsu
Presenting on behalf of Weiyu Liu
Learning Planning Abstractions from Language Prof. Jiajun Wu
Andrei Kanavalau Safe Explicit Model Predictive Control by training Neural Networks through constrained optimization Prof. Sanjay Lall
Brennan Shacklett Madrona: Training AI Agents at Millions of Steps per Second Prof. Kayvon Fatahalian
Robert Radway MINOTAUR Illusion: Edge Inference and Training that Scale Across Single- and Multi-Chip Systems Prof. Subhasish Mitra
Hugo Chen
Presenting on behalf of Shuhan Liu
Gain Cell Memory on Logic Platform – Device Guidelines for Oxide Semiconductor Transistor Materials Development Prof. H.-S. Philip Wong
Yifan Mai Holistic Evaluation of Language Models (HELM) Prof. Percy Liang
David Hall Levanter: Legible, Scalable, Reproducible Foundation Models Prof. Percy Liang
Andrew Wu Soy: an Efficient MILP Solver for Piece-wise Affine Systems Prof. Clark Barrett
William Hwang STT-Assisted SOT-MRAM Development Prof. Shan X. Wang
Carlo Gilardi and Suhyeong Choi Omni 3D: high-density and energy-efficient physical designs with BEOL-compatible FETs Prof. Subhasish Mitra
Dennis Rich Cooling Ultra-Dense 3D ICs with Thermal Scaffolding Prof. Subhasish Mitra
Sai Thatipamula & Muhammad Aadil Khan Assessing Lithium-ion Battery Cell Health from Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Prof. Simona Onori
Jackson Melchert Cascade: An Application Pipelining Toolkit for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays Prof. Priyanka Raina
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 9:15am