Quickfire Presentations @ 9:15 AM
Poster Session: @ 10:15 AM
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Student Name | Poster Title | Advisor |
Nicholas Mosier | Serberus: Protecting Cryptographic Code from Spectres at Compile-Time | Prof. Caroline Trippel |
Geun Ho Ahn | Scalable on-chip nonlinear optical and laser systems through silicon nitride photonics | Prof. Jelena Vuckovic |
Yuhan Deng | Fixpoint: Computation as a Service | Prof. Keith Winstein |
Skyler Selvin | Acoustically Modulated Gap Plasmons | Prof. Mark Brongersma |
Lauren Hoang | Atomically Thin WS2 for Electronics | Profs. Eric Pop & Andrew Mannix |
Maggy Harake | Surface engineering for selective hard mask on carbon (DoC) | Prof. Stacey Bent |
Heungdon Kwon | Anisotropic thermal transport in low-thermal budget diamond thin films | Prof. Kennneth Goodson |
Anna Kasperovich | High In-Plane Thermal Conductivity Isotropic Diamond for Device Cooling/Diamond film growth with microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition | Prof. Srabanti Chowdhury |
Samiya Shimly | Diverse Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection with Wrist-worn Reflective Multi-Wavelength Photoplethysmography | Prof. Euan Ashley |
Yinuo Xu | A Near-THZ CMOS Camera for Automotive Applications | Prof. Tom Lee |
Nikhil Poole | Generalized Complex Platform Motion Compensation for High-Resolution, Real-Time mmWave Radar Edge Sensing | Prof. Amin Arbabian |
William Chong Presenting on behalf of Wesley Guo |
Robot Design and Control Strategies for Lifting and Unloading Heavy Objects in Simulation | Prof. Oussama Khatib |
Christopher Agia | Text2Motion: From Natural Language Instructions to Feasible Plans | Profs. Jeannette Bohg & Marco Pavone |
Date and Time:
Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 9:15am