FMA Session - Thursday, November 9, 2023 - Participant List

Quickfire Presentations @ 9:15 AM

Poster Session: @ 10:15 AM

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Student Name Poster Title Advisor
Nicholas Mosier Serberus: Protecting Cryptographic Code from Spectres at Compile-Time Prof. Caroline Trippel
Geun Ho Ahn Scalable on-chip nonlinear optical and laser systems through silicon nitride photonics Prof. Jelena Vuckovic
Yuhan Deng Fixpoint: Computation as a Service Prof. Keith Winstein
Skyler Selvin Acoustically Modulated Gap Plasmons Prof. Mark Brongersma
Lauren Hoang Atomically Thin WS2 for Electronics Profs. Eric Pop & Andrew Mannix
Maggy Harake Surface engineering for selective hard mask on carbon (DoC) Prof. Stacey Bent
Heungdon Kwon Anisotropic thermal transport in low-thermal budget diamond thin films Prof. Kennneth Goodson
Anna Kasperovich High In-Plane Thermal Conductivity Isotropic Diamond for Device Cooling/Diamond film growth with microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition Prof. Srabanti Chowdhury
Samiya Shimly Diverse Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection with Wrist-worn Reflective Multi-Wavelength Photoplethysmography Prof. Euan Ashley
Yinuo Xu A Near-THZ CMOS Camera for Automotive Applications Prof. Tom Lee
Nikhil Poole Generalized Complex Platform Motion Compensation for High-Resolution, Real-Time mmWave Radar Edge Sensing Prof. Amin Arbabian
William Chong
Presenting on behalf of Wesley Guo
Robot Design and Control Strategies for Lifting and Unloading Heavy Objects in Simulation Prof. Oussama Khatib
Christopher Agia Text2Motion: From Natural Language Instructions to Feasible Plans Profs. Jeannette Bohg & Marco Pavone
Date and Time: 
Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 9:15am