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Poster Session: @ 2:45 PM
AMEND FMA Quickfire Presentations @ 11:15 AM
Heterogeneous Integration FMA Quickfire Presentations @ 2:00 PM
AMEND Posters
Student Name | Poster Title | Advisor | |
Luke Min | Thermal Management of 3D Chips and Monolithic Integrated Circuits using Phase Change Materials – Si/Cu Composites (FMA) | Profs. Ken Goodson & Mehdi Asheghi | PDF (Login required) |
Anna Kolln | Vapor-Phase Delivery of Inhibitors for Selective Hardmask Deposition on Carbon (FMA) | Prof. Stacey Bent | |
Anna Kasperovich | Growth and Processing of Diamond Thin Films for Advanced Si-Node Thermal Management (FMA) | Prof. Srabanti Chowdhury | PDF (Login required) |
Lauren Hoang | Towards High Performance 2D p-Type Transistors: Novel Contacts + Doping (FMA) | Profs. Eric Pop & Andrew Mannix | PDF (Login required) |
Junrui Lyu | Diamond 3D Thermal Scaffolding for Ultra-Dense 3D Integrated Circuits | Prof. Srabanti Chowdhury | |
Crystal Nattoo | Estimating Defectivity in Large Scale Growths of ALD and Sputtered MoS2 using Optical and Electrical Characterization Techniques Cooperatively (FMA) | Prof. Eric Pop | PDF (Login required) |
Heterogeneous Integration Posters
Student Name | Poster Title | Advisor | |
Dr. Zhepeng Zhang | Chemically Tailored and Phase-Selective Growth of 2D Semiconductors via Hybrid Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (FMA) | Prof. Andrew Mannix | |
Xiangjin Wu | Unconventional resistivity scaling in sputtered topological semimetals (FMA) | Prof. Eric Pop | |
Dr. Anh Tuan Hoang | Wafer-scale MOCVD growth of two-dimensional transition metal chalcogenides material (FMA) | Profs. Eric Pop & Andrew Mannix | PDF (Login required) |
Robert Bennett | Isolating threshold voltage of two-dimensional transistors (FMA) | Prof. Eric Pop | PDF (Login required) |
Leo Lee & Anton Persson | Toward 2D-FETs with sub-1 nm EOT (FMA) | Prof. Eric Pop | |
Zahra Heussen | InAlN/GaN HEMTs Exposed to a Venus Simulation Environment | Profs. Debbie Senesky & Kunal Mukherjee | |
Dr. Can Wu | A High-Density, Large-Scale Surface Electromyography Array for Human-Machine Interfaces | Prof. Zhenan Bao | PDF (Login required) |
Yuya Nishio | High-performance Intrinsically Stretchable CNT Transistors and Integrated Circuits | Prof. Zhenan Bao | |
Dr. Tara Pena | Opto-Electronic Properties of Isotopically Purified Monolayer MoS2 | Prof. Eric Pop | PDF (Login required) |
Maritha Wang | Monte Carlo Simulation of Electrical Transport With Joule Heating and Strain in Monolayer MoS2 Devices | Prof. Eric Pop | PDF (Login required) |