SystemX Alliance News

Wed, 06/26/2024
In a single leap from tabletop to the microscale, engineers at Stanford have produced the world’s first practical titanium-sapphire laser on a chip, democratizing a once-exclusive technology.
Fri, 05/17/2024
An expert on robotics says that the recent revolution in large language models is metaphorically – and in some cases literally – opening new doors in her field.
Wed, 05/08/2024
Combining advances in display technologies, holographic imaging, and artificial intelligence, engineers at Stanford say they have produced a leap forward for augmented reality.
Tue, 04/30/2024
Stanford engineers created a low-cost, mobile robot that has quickly learned to do complex household tasks including cook, put away dishes, and clean up spills. Other chores aren’t far behind.
Wed, 03/13/2024
Stanford researchers have developed soft integrated circuits that are powerful enough to drive a micro-LED screen and small enough to read thousands of sensors in a single square centimeter.
Thu, 03/07/2024
Uniting the complex mathematics of trajectory optimization with the powers of generative AI, aerospace engineers at Stanford hope to put self-driving spacecraft within reach.
Mon, 02/26/2024
A new advance by Stanford engineers could lead to particle accelerators being widely available in science, medicine, and industry.
Mon, 01/22/2024
Stanford researchers have developed a new phase-change memory that could help computers process large amounts of data faster and more efficiently.
Tue, 12/05/2023
From space robots to self-driving cars, Stanford’s Autonomous Systems Lab looks to push the boundaries of exploration and boost the safety and efficiency of everyday tasks.
Thu, 11/30/2023
Researchers at Stanford have designed an open-source process for turning sisal fibers into absorbent material for menstrual pads, creating an opportunity for the local, sustainable manufacture of hygiene products that many communities need.


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