SystemX Alliance News

Mon, 06/06/2016
The award recognizes outstanding achievement in research and teaching by young scholars in the Information Theory community.
Mon, 05/16/2016
Designing innovative structures for efficient optical devices
Tue, 02/23/2016
The Sloan award honors outstanding early-career researchers. Fellows represent the best-of-the-best among young scientists.
Tue, 02/02/2016
Approach could remove major obstacles to increasing the capacity of lithium-ion batteries.
Thu, 01/21/2016
SystemX faculty describes new battery in a recent 'Nature Energy' and on NPR's All Tech Considered.
Wed, 12/16/2015
Interdisciplinary faculty from EE, CS, ME are working with researchers from 3 other universities to create a revolutionary new high-rise architecture for computing.
Wed, 12/02/2015
For his contributions to network multi-user information theory and for wide ranging impact on programmable circuit architectures.
Mon, 11/23/2015
For her field opening contributions to the science and engineering of photonic crystals, and in particular, for the use of 2D microcavites for the Purcell-like enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate of embedded quantum dots.
Mon, 11/16/2015
Professor Arbabian and research professor Khuri-Yakub lead research that utilizes interplay of microwaves and ultrasound to develop a detector with military and medical applications.
Mon, 10/26/2015
Nanomaterial graphene is the key ingredient in 3 EE data storage projects


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